Two Reasons to Get Your Furnace Cleaned

When you are getting ready for winter, you think about doing a lot of things, but getting your furnace cleaned might not be one of them. However, it really should be. That's because a dirty furnace can end up costing you a lot more money when it comes to heating and can even cause some serious problems.  Carbon-Monoxide Leaks Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of combustion. You can't tell if it is around because it is odorless and colorless. Read More 

Want To Landscape Your Yard? 2 Problems You May Have And Their Solutions

If you are planning to landscape your yard yourself, things may go perfectly for you. In some cases, however, you will come across some problems. Below are two things that may go wrong and the solutions to each one. Flowers Not Growing Well If you have flowers that are not growing well, this could be due to many things. If it is every single flower in your yard, you should have your soil tested. Read More 

Prevent Serious Foundation Problems By Looking At These Four Things

The foundation is a vital, overlooked part of any house. Keeping the foundation strong is important if you want your house to continue to stand, but many people don't do anything to avoid foundation problems until major repairs are already needed. To prevent serious problems with your house's foundation, pay attention to the following things. Tiny Cracks It is not unnatural to see tiny foundation cracks forming over time. However, once you start seeing them, it's important you understand that you can't leave them alone. Read More 

How To Determine If You Have A Blocked Sewer Line Before You Call In The Professionals

Your house smells like a sewer and it could really only mean one thing. The scent of the sewer flowing through your house is tell-tale sign that someone's sewer line is clogged and backed up and it could very well be yours. While you may to call in a professional to clear the clog, you can determine if your sewer line is backed up all on your own. Below are the only two steps that you need to take in order to determine if your line is clogged before you call in the professionals. Read More 

Reasons Your Foundation Is Cracking

Many reasons can cause a foundation to crack, and there are some signs to watch for if you are concerned that your home may be in an area where this can occur. If you discover your neighbors have the same problems, you should also begin looking for the dreaded signs. The damage can cause devastation or be a cosmetic issue. Here is some information to aid you in deciding which problem you may be facing. Read More